Physical State

The physical state is composed of a set of disjoint substates. Each substate can be read and written with a key. That means anything you want to be state should have a getindex and setindex!. A simple example is state=zeros(Int, 10). A more complicated example, this state is a count of bees at different plants.

type PhysicalState

function getindex(state::PhysicalState, x, y)
    state.bees[x, y]

function setindex!(state::PhysicalState, value, x, y)
    state.bees[x, y]=value

When specifying the process, intensities and firing functions can depend on the state only through a certain set of indexes, which you specify. In this example, the indices will be of the form of a tuple, (x, y) of type Tuple{Int, Int}.

Partial Process

The library defines the partial process, CTDE.PartialProcess, which is used to specify the simulation and compute trajectories.


Then specify the process by adding transitions.


Each transition has two logical parts, an intensity function which describes when the transition is enabled and how long after enabling it will fire, and a firing function which describes what the transition does to the state when it fires.

AddTransition!(process::PartialProcess, hazard::Intensity, hazard_dependencies, firing::Function, firing dependencies, name, keywords)
  • process::PartialProcess is the partial process just defined above.
  • hazard::Intensity is a hazard rate, derived from the abstract class Intensity, as will be described below.
  • hazard_dependencies is a list of indices into the physical state that will be passed to the intensity for this transition.
  • firing::Function is a function that changes the state, as described below.
  • firing_dependencies is a list of indices into the physical state that will be passed to the intensity for this transition.
  • name is a friendly name to use when the process tells you what transition fired.
  • keywords means that you can pass values such as index=3 to the transition as messages to the samplers. Some samplers need hints about how to organize their work.
  • Returns nothing.


An intensity says when the transition is enabled or disabled and, when it is enabled, the distribution of times at which it may fire.

class Intensity

An abstract class for transition intensities. There are methods defined on this abstract class which help implement intensities.


Returns a boolean to say whether the intensity is currently enabled. The helper method returns intensity.enabled for the object passed.

Reset!(intensity::RecoverIntensity, time::Float64, state, keys..)

When a transition fires, this is called to tell the intensity that it must forget all past observations of the state and determine, from the state at the values specified by the keys, what is the new distribution going forward.

Update!(intensity::RecoverIntensity, time, state, keys...)

This is the workhorse of the intensity distribution. Given the state at the given set of keys, the intensity chooses its current distribution for the hazard rate. It returns a symbol to report what happened. That symbol is either :Unmodified, :Disabled, :Enabled, or :Modified. The last choice, :Modified, means that the hazard was nonzero and is now nonzero but with a different distribution.

Sample(intensity::Intensity, when::Float64, rng::MersenneTwister)

samples the current distribution for the hazard, given that it has not yet fired by time when. This method calls Sample(intensity.distribution), so a type which defines a distribution member doesn’t need to reimpliment this method.

Putative(intensity::Intensity, when::Float64, exponential_interval::Float64)

integrates the current distribution for the hazard to determine at what time it will have used up an integrated hazard equal to exponential_interval. This is a way to sample distributions for Gibson and Bruck’s Next Reaction Method or Anderson’s method. This method calls Putative(intensity.distribution), so a type which defines a distribution member doesn’t need to reimpliment this method.

class MemoryIntensity

Many intensities can be defined with three quantities, 1) whether they are enabled given the current state, 2) given that they are enabled, the current set of parameters for their distribution, and 3) the particular distribution. This intensity is called a memory intensity because it sets the enabling time of the distribution when it is enabled, but it doesn’t change that enabling time if, when the state changes, the parameters for the distribution change. It remembers the first enabling time.

MemoryIntensity(invariant::Function, distribution)

The distribution is a TransitionDistribution. The function is described just below.

invariant(time, state, keys...)

This function looks at the state, as indexed by the keys and returns a tuple with two values, whether the transition should be enabled, according to the current state, and, if so, what are the values of the parameters for the distribution of this transition. It looks like (Bool, Array{Any,1}).

class MemorylessIntensity

Many intensities can be defined with three quantities, 1) whether they are enabled given the current state, 2) given that they are enabled, the current set of parameters for their distribution, and 3) the particular distribution. This intensity is called a memoryless intensity because it sets the enabling time of the distribution not only it is enabled, but whenever a change of the state causes the parameters, those returned by the invariant, to change. When that happens, it forgets the original enabling time.

For example, a simulation of susceptible-infectious-susceptible individuals defines a recovery intensity that ensures that the last infectious person never recovers. It sounds mean, but it helps certain long-running simulations get data.

function Recover(state, who)

function RecoverParameters(time, state, who, others...)
    # Forbid recovery if this is the only one infectious.
    for nz_idx = 1:length(others)
        if state[others[nz_idx]]>0
    (enabled && found_nonzero, [1.0, 2.0])
    for midx = 1:N
                TransitionWeibull(1.0, 2.0))
                # TransitionExponential(parameters[:Gamma]))
        for dep_idx=1:N
            if dep_idx!=midx
                push!(depends, dep_idx)
        # We add the index=transition_idx only for Direct methods.
            hazard, depends,
            Recover, [midx],
            "r$midx", index=transition_idx )

There are helper methods, defined on the abstract type Intensity, which reduce the amount of code required for implementation.

type InfectIntensity <: Intensity
    InfectIntensity(dist)=new(dist, 0.0, false)

function Reset!(intensity::InfectIntensity, time, state, who, whom)
    Update!(intensity, time, state, who, whom)

function Update!(intensity::InfectIntensity, time, state, who, whom)
    enabled=(state[who]==1 && state[whom]==0)
    if enabled!=intensity.enabled
        if enabled

In general, the intensity can depend on any state since it last fired or the start of the simulation. In practice, an intensity will examine the state to create parameters for the distribution. The WrappedDistribution is a good example of the interface distributions support.

Transition Distributions

The distributions an intensity needs have different methods from distributions in Julia’s Distributions module.

class TransitionDistribution

This abstract class is a base class for the continuous univariate distributions used by intensities.


class WrappedDistribution

This class uses the available distributions in the Distributions package to meet the API needed by the simulation. It’s likely less efficient and possibly numerically inaccurate for some distributions, but here goes. Its members are relative_distribution and enabling_time.

WrappedDistribution(dist::Distributions.ContinuousUnivariateDistribution, enabling_time::Float64)

The constructor. Pass in a distribution from the Distributions package.

Sample(distribution::WrappedDistribution, now::Float64,

This samples the distribution using the given random number generator. It calls quantile(distribution, now, rand(rng)).

HazardIntegral(dist::WrappedDistribution, t1, t2)

This integrates the hazard from time t1 to time t2 using logccdf(dist, t1-te)-logccdf(dist, t2-te) where te is the enabling time.

ImplicitHazardIntegral(dist::WrappedDistribution, cumulative_hazard::Float64, when::Float64)

This is the inverse of the hazard integral, so ImplicitHazardIntegral(dist, HazardIntegral(dist, t1, t2), t1)=t2.


Return the enabling time. It’s a common parameter of all of these distributions.

EnablingTime!(dist::WrappedDistribution, time::Float64)

Set the enabling time.


This returns the parameters for the distribution. The exact set depends on the underlying distribution.


TransitionExponential(λ::Real, enabling_time::Real)

The rate, λ, is the hazard rate, not a scale.



TransitionWeibull(θ::Float64, k::Float64)

The scale is \(\theta\). \(k\) is the exponent.



TransitionGamma(α, β, enabling_time)

α is the shape parameter, β the inverse scale parameter, also called a rate parameter.

\[f(t)=\frac{\beta^\alpha}{\Gamma(\alpha)}x^{\alpha-1} e^{-\beta x}\]


TransitionLogLogistic(α, β)
\[F(t)=\left[1 + \left(\frac{t-t_e}{\alpha}\right)^{-\beta}\right]^{-1}\]


class NelsonAalenDistribution

Given a list of times the distribution either fired or was right-censored, meaning it failed to fire, this constructs an estimator of the distribution that can be sampled.

Because each transition in the process will either fire or be interrupted, this estimator can be used to ask whether the firing of each transition matches the expected distribution.

cdf(dist::NelsonAalenDistribution, bypoint::Int)


class EmpiricalDistribution

This class estimates a distribution given samples of the times at which that distribution fired. First make the object and then use push! to add values. Finally, call build! before sampling from it. This is useful for testing distributions.



push!(ed::EmpiricalDistribution, value::Float64)

Add a sample to the list.


Internally, it needs to sort the list of samples.

kolmogorov_smirnov_statistic(ed::EmpiricalDistribution, other)

The other is a distrubition for which cdf is defined. This returns two values, the maximum difference between the two distributions and whether that maximum difference meets the 0.05 confidence interval for the hypothesis that they are the same distribution.

Firing Function

The firing function is a function that modifies state. Its signature has to be

FiringFunction(state, keys...)

the firing function returns a list of all substates which could be affected by having fired. While the list of hazard dependencies and firing dependencies is state, the list of what was affected by firing is not. As an example, recovery and infection for a disease model could look like If the firing function reads or writes mutable state other than that specified by the indices in keys, then the simulation will be incorrect.

function Recover!(state, who)

function Infect!(state, who)

Simulation Observer

Every time the simulation determines the next time and transition, it changes the state and then calls an observer with the signature

StateObserver(state, affected_keys, clock_name, time::Float64)
  • state is the state of the system.
  • affected_keys are those substates which were affected when the last transition fired.
  • clock_name is the name given to that transition.
  • time is the time at which that transition happened.
  • Returns: The observer returns a boolean indicating whether the simulation may continue.

In practice, this function is a closure which adds data to a list of data, or writes that list to disk. For instance,

function Observer(out::ScreenObserver)
    function sobserve(state::Array{Int,1}, affected_keys, clock_name, time::Float64))
        AddEntry!(out, state[affected_keys[1], time])


Define a sampler. There are a few to choose among.

class NextReactionHazards

This sampler uses a variant of Gibson and Bruck’s next reaction algorithm, described by Anderson and Kuntz.



class FixedDirect

This is an optimized direct reaction sampler. It assumes there are a fixed number of transitions in the system and that every transition is given an ordinal with keywords of the form index=<Int>.


Constructor. N is the number of transitions in the system.

class NaiveSampler

This is appropriate only for simulations where no transition is ever reenabled after it fires or is disabled. It is equivalent to Next Reaction in this case.

Running a Simulation

Once the process is created and sampler chosen, a single function runs the simulation. In this example, the MakeProcess function creates state and adds transitions to the process.

parameters=Dict(:Gamma =>1.0, :Beta => 1.0)
process, state=MakeProcess(N, parameters, rng)
observer=SamplingObserver(N, 1000)

RunSimulation(process, sampler, Observer(observer), rng)